IPPI card update – Voler dans les autres pays

Free Movement of HG/PG Pilots document updated
23/08/01 – The Free Movement of hang Gliding and Paragliding Pilots document, which gives information (provided by each country) on recognition and acceptance of IPPI cards and insurance requirements has been updated and is available at


La carte IPPI permet maintenant de voler en SuisseIs the IPPI Card accepted in your country?

Yes, foreign, non Swiss resident pilots that have an IPPI-Card, Stage IV or V are allowed to
fly occasionally in Switzerland hang gliders and paragliders. Flying tandem and working as an
instructor however is not allowed. Note that to fly cross country a Stage 5 is required.

What is the minimum legal insurance coverage required in your country?
There is a third-party insurance required, coverage one million Swiss Francs (Frs. 1’000’000)

What additional coverage does your country recommend (such as medical insurance, search
and rescue etc…)?

It is recommended to have such insurance.
Is your NAC prepared to provide a special insurance coverage for guest
pilots who do not comply with your national law?
Yes, if they become also member of the Swiss Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association, we
can offer a third-party insurance.